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Right-of-Way Permit Design Services
Leave the tedious process of permit documentation to us, so design and construction teams can focus on
critical work.
With nearly three decades of experience in telecommunications, we’re uniquely suited to handle network Right of Way permits, with expertise in drafting and design, as well as telecom business rules and language. When networks are being built, right of way permits are the common bottleneck where municipalities require long documents which can sometimes span hundreds of pages (depending on the length of the network to be built).
These right of way permits will slightly vary depending on the city as well, as each municipality requires its own notations or color codes for sidewalks, intersections, distance markers, and more. Making sure the data is geospatially accurate, taking care of all of the notations, drafting the permit documents, and managing the document workflow for each department are the main steps in ensuring that your permit process is (relatively) quick and easy.
With thousands of Permits completed covering more than 20 Million Feet and involving more than 150 State, County, and City Municipalities no matter where your Permit need is we are equipped to handle it.
Some of our Permit Expertise includes:
* Aerial and UG State DOT Permits * Pipeline Permits
* Railroad Permits * Water Authority Permits
* Specialty and Complex Permits * Traffic Control Plans
* Bore Profiles * Environmentally Sensitive Areas Permits
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Geospatial Data Capture
Make sure that data is geospatially accurate and aligned with the right zones for permits.
Pictured: Geospatially Accurate Data Capture
When starting off the right of way permit application process, the very first step is getting the GIS map data for the area required. In addition to having GIS-accurate data, making sure that the zones are properly assigned is also important. Municipalities make sure that the zones are correctly notated and mentioned when going through permits, as each zone will have its own rules regarding documentation and other administrative processes.
Many permit processes end up going all the way to the authorities before realizing that the data isn't accurately aligned with geospatial maps. This causes long delays and frustration as the entire process needs to start again. With the first step of accurate geospatial data capture, avoid these inaccuracies in data.
Network Permit Design:
The permit design process requires extensive drafting of traffic control plans with accurate notations.
Pictured: Design Document for Right-of-Way Permits
After getting your data ready for the area of the city that the network needs to be built upon, the next step is to design your right of way permit documents. This requires a skilled team of drafters that are ready to do tedious, detail-oriented work, as a network that spans 50 miles can easily reach a 100-page document.
With the number of elements involved in these permit documents, (poles, pits, trenches, cables, distance markers, sidewalks, highways, streets) accurate scaling is also very important so that every element is clearly visible and not too cluttered, while not being too minute either.
Each client and municipality will have their own rules and notations for right of way permits. The use of exact data representation methods, styles and text forms prescribed by each permitting authority are important for the first-time approvals.
Documentation Management:
With multiple parties involved in the permit process, effective document management is a must.
Pictured: Documentation Management
Each level of government including county, city, and state require their own specific documents. Keeping track of all of these documents and ensuring that the workflow of each is properly managed is vital to a smooth right of way permit process.
For more information on our services, a software demo, or a free trial, reach out to us!
Contact Us
Sales Inquiries:
+1 770-345-1670
Corporate Office
230 Mountain Brook Ct,
Canton (Atlanta), GA 30115 USAGlobal Offices
Sydney, Australia
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Kochi, India
Canton (Atlanta), GA, USA (HQ)
Last updated: July 31, 2024
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